Duck Blind Draw

The City of Claremore Parks and Recreation Department, Lake Division will be conducting a draw for the 20 duck blind slots on Claremore Lake. The drawing is to be held at the Claremore Community Center located at 2301 N Sioux Avenue. (the corner of Stuart Roosa and Sioux Avenue) on Saturday, October 1, 2022.

Registration begins at 8:00 a.m.  

Permit Fees


In order to compete in the draw, you must show your Oklahoma driver’s license, Oklahoma hunting license, Oklahoma HIP permit and a current paid utility stub with your address or proof of exemption (City ID). Drawing for Claremore utility customers will begin immediately following registration. A second drawing will begin immediately following the first draw for any remaining slots. All persons are eligible for the second draw. This draw is for any non-Claremore utility customers and any remaining city utility customer that did receive a blind. Persons must be 18 years old and older to draw for blind slots. Only one draw per household.

Blinds Requirements

No blinds shall be moved from designated location. No hunting other than from duck blinds located at designated slot locations. No gas motors may be used on any boats to go to and from your blind. No ATVs may be used on City property at any time. No goose hunting except during regular duck season on Claremore Lake. No early goose hunting or late goose hunting. At the close of Duck Season all Blinds, whether built by current blind slot permit holder or not will be removed from Claremore Lake by the current blind slot permit holder within 30 days of the close of Duck Season.  Hunting times are from 1/2 hour before sunrise to 10 a.m. and from 3 p.m. to sunset.  No Blind or Blind Slot shall be sub-leased, rented or money or goods exchanged for the use of Duck Blind. No one shall guide or charge for services in regard to use of Duck Blind Slot on Claremore Lake 

Notice: Any violation of state or City regulations will be subject to applicable fines and /or permanent loss of hunting privileges.

For More Information

Please contact the Ranger Office at Claremore Lake at 918-341-1238 for further information or questions.