Publication Date/Time:
11/28/2010 12:00 AM
The City of Claremore will open sealed bids for SB-2010-030, for ODEQ Consent Order Addendum Case No. 08-265(B), Task Order H, Holiday Hills Sewer System Replacement on Monday, December 20, 2010 at 10:00 am in the City Council Chambers located at City Hall, 104 S. Muskogee Ave., Claremore, OK, 74017.
Please contact Anne Smith, Central Purchasing Agent, at 918-341-1325 or with any questions or to receive a bid specification package. Bid packages are available at a non-refundable cost of $100 for each set.
Publication Information:
Publicized in the Claremore Daily Progress November 28th & December 5th
Submittal Information:
Sealed Bids
Bid Opening Information:
At the Council Chambers
Addendum Date/Time:
Pre-bid Meeting:
12/13/10 at 10:00am
Download Available:
No, must be purchased
Plan & Spec Available:
Yes, at a cost of $100 per set. Complete bid packages are available at the Central Purchasing Agent's office at 104 S. Muskogee Ave. Claremore, OK 74017.
Business Hours:
8 am - 5 pm, Monday-Friday
Plan Holders List:
M & S Construction Company, Inc.
Krapff Reynolds Construction Company
Sapulpa Digging, Inc.
Ron Welcher Construction, Inc.
T-G Excavating, Inc.
Ram Utility Construction, Inc.
Special Requirements:
Attendance at the mandatory pre-bid is required in order for bid to be considered.