Letter to Parents

Dear Parents, If you are planning to send your child to the library, read this first!


Dear Parent,

The Will Rogers Library is often considered an option for parents seeking an after-school location for children. The library continues to welcome those students interested in using their after-school hours to study, use the computers, or take respectful advantage of the library’s many resources and after-school programs.

However, due to problem behaviors during after-school hours students are no longer allowed to simply ‘hang out’ inside the Library, in the library parking lot, or on the Library grounds.

While we absolutely want students to use the Library for the purposes it was intended, the library is not equipped to be a substitute for child care or after-school supervision.

The Library General Conduct Policy includes strict rules for behavior, expulsion if the rules are not observed, and a $97 fine for loitering on library grounds which will be enforced.

We urge parents to be familiar with these General Conduct policies in advance and review them with your children. A copy of these policies is also available from the Library.

If your child is not interested in using the library in accordance with these policies, please make other arrangements for them after school.

We appreciate your cooperation in helping us to maintain a community library where persons of all ages may count on the value of quality library services offered in a pleasant, productive environment. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Will Rogers Library