The City of Claremore is dedicated to ensuring the maintenance and upkeep of its public infrastructure. As part of the current street rehab project, Claremore will experience a couple of important closures coming up in the next week:
- Clubhouse Road between Holly Road (Hwy 20) and Blue Starr Drive – This section of road will be closed in select locations to begin milling work this Friday, July 14. Local traffic will be maintained where possible. This will not be a continual closure, but a complete closure will occur in areas of limited sight distance to assure worker safety. Additional lane closures will occur along on Blue Starr west of the golf course and north of the Clubhouse/Blue Starr Intersection on Northaven Road. Paving on that section will follow.
- Jay Street between Blue Starr Drive and Walnut Park – This section of street will be closed to thru traffic beginning Monday, July 17. Jay Street in this area will be milled and overlaid. Additionally, the entire intersection of Jay and Blue Starr will be replaced. This phase of the project will take over a month to complete. Two lane traffic (East/West) on Blue Starr will be maintained throughout construction, but lane narrowing and shifting will occur on Blue Starr. The closure of Jay may last over a month. Traffic in that area will need to divert to Industrial Blvd. for the duration of the closure. We will provide updates on this closure as construction progresses also.
- Blue Starr will be closed from JM Davis to Highway 66 starting Tuesday July 25, lasting between 3-4 weeks.