On Dec. 6, 2021, the Claremore City Council formally adopted an innovative new Uniform Development Code (UDC) to streamline the City’s planning efforts, simplify regulations for residents and businesses and position Claremore for future growth. Modernizing the City’s UDC has been a primary initiative of Claremore’s long-term growth and development planning efforts, dubbed the Claremore 2040 Comprehensive Plan.
“This work is a result of an in-depth planning project that began in 2018,” said Claremore City Manager John Feary. “Thanks to community support and the hard work of our planning department, I am confident that our new simplified approach to zoning and land regulations will position Claremore for optimal growth.”
The UDC, effective immediately, is available here and consolidates all development-related regulations including zoning and land use, subdivisions, design and development standards, and review procedures into one easy-to-view document. It complies with current State law and will provide consistent interpretation and enforcement of land development.
“This new simplified approach allows both developers and citizens to easily find information, eliminates confusion and misinterpretation of codes and zoning regulations, and addresses housing through the use of pattern zones,” said Kyle Clifton, Director of Planning.
According to Infill Group and Miller Boskus & Lack Architects, the premier purveyors of the pattern zone concept, Claremore is the second community in the nation to utilize their pattern zone concept, placing it at the forefront of rural development and planning. Claremore’s pattern zones are a tool that utilizes pre-approved plans for building types based on identified special districts: West Bend | University District, Will Rogers Corridor District, Downtown District and the Historic Route 66 District.
“Universal zoning will be applied in accordance with the identified needs of each district to enable quick-start development and raise housing quality without adding to the burdens of small developers and property owners trying to meet Claremore’s growing housing needs,” added Clifton. “The Comprehensive Plan provides our community with a clear vision for growth, but we needed a fair and equitable process to guide that development.”
The Claremore Uniform Development Code and Comprehensive Plan are available on the Planning and Zoning Department under the “Quick Links” on the lower right side of the webpage.