Publication Date/Time:
1/19/2011 8:00 AM
Publication Information:
In the Claremore Daily Progress 1/09/11 & 1/16/11
Submittal Information:
Sealed bids
Bid Opening Information:
At the Council Chambers
Pre-bid Meeting:
January 25, 2011 at 1:30 P.M.
Contact Person:
Art Andrews at 918-341-0457
Download Available:
Plan & Spec Available:
Available at the Central Purchasing Agent’s office at City Hall for a non-refundable fee for $100 per set.
Business Hours:
8-5, Monday - Friday
Plan Holders List:
Sapulpa Digging Inc.
Ram Utility Construction, Inc.
TIMEC - Transfield Services Group
T & G Excavating