Publication Date/Time:
7/17/2011 8:00 AM
The City of Claremore Animal Control Department welcomes bids for veterinary services. The contract shall be from the date the contract is awarded thru June 30, 2012. A pre-bid conference will be held so potential bidders can ask any questions about this bid. As the pre-bid conference is a necessary component of this bid as it relates to veterinary services, only those individuals or companies who are present or have a representative present for the pre-bid will be considered acceptable bidders for Schedule I.
Publication Information:
7/17/11 & 7/24/11 Claremore Daily Progress
Submittal Information:
Sealed Proposal
Bid Opening Information:
At the Council Chambers
Pre-bid Meeting:
3:00pm on 7/27/11
Contact Person:
Anne Smith at 918-341-1325 or
Download Available:
No charge
Business Hours:
8-5, Monday - Friday
The bidder must be a veterinarian, licensed by and in good standing with the Oklahoma Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners allowing the veterinarian to practice veterinary medicine in the State of Oklahoma.
Special Requirements:
Candidates must have a representative attend the mandatory pre-bid to be considered an acceptable bidder. In addition, the bidder’s veterinary facilities must be located within a 7 mile radius, one-way trip, from 815 Ramm Road, Claremore, OK, 74017.