Steve Cox
Chief of Police
Matt Hart
Deputy Chief of Police
John Case
Business Manager
Michelle Hall
Communication Coordinator
The Claremore Police Department Patrol Division is comprised of 34 officers, commanded by Support Division Captain, Milburn Litterell, and Operations Captain, Jamie Starling. Patrol officers are responsible for crime prevention, emergency response, traffic enforcement, and accident investigation. In addition, the division includes advanced traffic investigators and community engagement units.
Litterell, Milburn
Support Division Captain
Starling, Jamie
Operations Captain
Book, Mark
Patrol Lieutenant
Rice, Matthew
Patrol Lieutenant
Keesler, Jordan
Patrol Lieutenant
Cummings, Jason
Patrol Sergeant
Holland, Jordan
Patrol Sergeant
Bradshaw, Kendal
Patrol Sergeant
Stone, Greg
Patrol Sergeant
Sherman, Aaron
Patrol Sergeant
Thirion, Donald
Patrol Sergeant
Rohr, Chad
Patrol Officer
Holmes, Shaun
Patrol Officer (SRO)
Propst, Ricky
Patrol Officer
Turman, Nathan
Patrol Officer (SRO)
Hagen, Bobby
Patrol Officer (SRO)
Patrol Officer
Brassfield, Kyle
Patrol Officer
Strohmeyer, Aaron
Patrol Officer
Parker, Donnie
Patrol Officer
Epperson, James
Patrol Officer
Mora, Kevin
Patrol Officer
Chau, Anzel
Patrol Officer
Gokey, Matt
Patrol Officer
Powell, Oran
Patrol Officer
Bolay, Hagin
Patrol Officer
Mittelstedt, Scott
Patrol Officer
Moree, Tommy
Patrol Officer
Ferguson, Myles
Patrol Officer
Traughber, Trey
Patrol Officer
Daniel Harges
Patrol Officer
Spencer Moreland
Patrol Officer
John Zigrang
Patrol Officer
Logan McQuaig
Patrol Officer
Mitchell Heidorn
Patrol Officer
The Claremore Police Department has three School Resource Officers (SROs) who are assigned to Claremore Public School campuses during the school year and work patrol shifts during the summer months. It is the job of the SRO to patrol school campuses, investigate criminal activity, process traffic accidents, and educate students and staff about crime prevention and safety programs.
The School Resource Officer plays a vital role in our school system and helps build positive relationships within the community. The program has been a great success. The goal is to create a safe educational environment for all students and staff.
Shaun Holmes
The Claremore Police Department Investigations Division, commanded by Chief Investigator John Singer, is responsible for investigating all major crimes, including homicide, manslaughter, rape, robbery, burglary, crimes against children and other felony criminal investigations.
The unit is also responsible for completing background investigations of applicants for the Police Department and internal investigations as assigned by the Chief. In addition, they work closely with other law enforcement agencies in coordinating investigations that cross jurisdictional boundaries.
Chief Investigator
The Records Division is responsible for maintaining all files and records for the Claremore Police Department. This includes all criminal, incident and accident reports, traffic citations, and arrest warrants. The team also collects the required state and federal reporting statistics and maintains the sex offender registry.
The Evidence Officer for the Claremore Police Department is responsible for managing all evidence seized by the Claremore Police Department. The Evidence Officer must ensure that all evidence is handled properly, packaged, sealed and stored as prescribed by state law and policy. They are also responsible for maintaining all lost or found property turned into the Police Department.
In 2004, Claremore Police Department became only the 6th municipal police agency in the State of Oklahoma to meet the rigid professional standards required to achieve the status of Accreditation by The Oklahoma Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP). The program established 191 mandatory standards which must be met by Oklahoma agencies in both written documentation and actual practice.
On January 17, 2019, based on the department’s on-site assessment (meeting mandatory State standards), the application for re-accreditation was approved.
We are proud of each member of our department for the hard work and dedication that resulted in achieving the goal of earning and maintaining our status as an accredited agency.
Police Department Contact:
200 W. 1st Street
Claremore, OK 74017
Emergency: 911
Phone: 918-341-1212
Fax: 918-341-1643