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Claremore to install new Fast Cast Bridge® on Lowry Road

The City of Claremore has many exciting infrastructure projects in the pipeline for 2023. To kick off the new year, the City is partnering with Premier Steel Services to install a new bridge on Lowry Road, ensuring safe access between State Highway 66 and Highway 88 for emergency vehicles, school bus routes and business, industrial and residential travel. The new 30-foot bridge will be installed utilizing the innovative Fast Cast Bridge® system developed by Premier Steel Services. It will replace three deteriorated metal pipe culverts where Cat Creek crosses Lowry Road, just east of the intersection of Industrial Boulevard.

Designed and manufactured in Northeast Oklahoma, the Fast Cast Bridge® utilizes a composite steel structure designed to last for decades, allowing for cost-effective installation and maintenance. The entire process, from grading to clean up, will take only a few days and installation will happen in a matter of hours.

The Fast Cast Bridge® is a cost and time-efficient alternative to standard bridge installations. Additionally, utilizing this innovative method will significantly reduce the time needed for road closures, limiting disruptions for area residents and businesses.

The new bridge will offer a long-term solution to the flooding experienced on Lowry Road, even during moderate rainfall, by exponentially increasing flow capacity over culverts. This increased volume will also decrease erosion and future road washout potential.

The Fast Cast Bridge is part of an ongoing project for Lowry Road. Our Public Works teams are currently relocating utilities in preparation for bridge installation, which is estimated to begin at the end of the month.

I am proud of our City’s work to ensure safe, reliable transportation infrastructure for residents and businesses. This year, I aim to proactively share updates on existing and upcoming projects like the Lowry Bridge. I encourage you to stay tuned in the coming weeks for additional updates on improvements taking place across our City.

Have a great weekend!

John W. Feary
Claremore City Manager