Publication Date/Time:
11/6/2011 8:00 AM
Request for Proposal Invitation
The City of Claremore will open Request for Proposals, RFP-2011-29, for a integrated library system for the City of Claremore on November 29, 2011 at 2:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at City Hall, 104 S. Muskogee Avenue, Claremore, OK, 74017.
Request for Proposals must be sealed and submitted to the Central Purchasing Agent prior to opening at said address to be considered. The City reserves the right to waive informalities in the bids and reject any or all Request for Proposals for any reason whatsoever at the sole discretion of the City. The successful bidder will be notified in writing.
Please contact Anne Smith, Central Purchasing Agent, at 918-341-1325 or with any questions or to receive a bid specification package. Packages are also available at
Publication Information:
Claremore Daily Progress 11/06/11 & 11/13/11
Submittal Information:
Sealed Request for Proposals
Bid Opening Information:
In the Council Chambers
Pre-bid Meeting:
Contact Person:
Anne Smith at
Download Available:
Business Hours:
8am - 5pm, Monday - Friday
Fax Number: