To report an outage, please call the hotline (918) 283-8299 so that it is logged directly into our system. Repetitive calls are not necessary; once your information is logged, it is flagged and prioritized in our system.
Please note – Social media is not being monitored for power outage reports.
Power and Light Update
The main power lines have been restored. Anyone without power should call the outage hotline at 918-283-8299. Structural damage to personal property that affects connectivity will need to be repaired before crews can reestablish power.
Walnut Park Burn Disposal Notice – June 21, 2023
The City of Claremore will begin burning the green waste site at Walnut Park at 11:00 a.m. This area will be a monitored safe zone and utilize the most efficient technology to burn the debris as quickly and cleanly as possible. Today’s efforts are permitted by DEQ and our Local Fire Code.
The dumpsite will remain open and safe for public disposal. Rogers County residents can utilize the site to dump tree limb debris from 6:00 a.m. to dark. The City of Claremore remains committed to providing a safe, convenient, and economical way for the citizens of Rogers County to clean up their properties after this devastating storm.
We encourage everyone to be mindful of these efforts and be patient with your fellow Rogers County residents as we work toward full storm recovery.
Walnut Park Limb Dump | Open 6:00 a.m. – Dark
FINAL DAY – Sunday, July 9