
The City of Claremore Sanitation Department prides itself on offering customers with the highest level of service at an affordable cost. A diversity of services are available to both residential and commercial customers.

The City is divided into five sections for trash pick-up. View the pick-up schedule for more information. The collection schedule is subject to change on all city holidays. Click here to view the 2025 Holiday Refuse Schedule

View Residential Sanitation Routes

Trash Cart Information

The City of Claremore provides a 95-gallon trash container, or poly-cart, to each of its sanitation customers.

Residential customers may request an additional poly-cart at an additional charge of $6 per poly-cart. Commercial accounts can rent a second poly-cart at an additional charge of $10 per month. There is a limit of two poly-carts allowed per residence.

To request an additional poly-cart, or sign up for the Door Service Program for senior/disabled citizens, contact the Utility Office at 918-341-0456.

Poly-Cart Rules

The Sanitation Division uses a refuse truck cart with a fully-automated arm to pick up your cart. To better serve you, please adhere to the following guidelines.

  • All poly-carts must be outside no later than 7:00 a.m. on your trash service day.
  • The poly-cart should be placed within seven feet from the driveway, at least two feet from any obstacle (including the mailbox), and within 1 foot from the curb, road or another poly-cart.
  • The refuse collectors will place the poly-cart the curb in the best position for the truck to automatically collect your trash. Please place it the same way every collection day.
  • All trash must be placed inside trash bags and inside the city-issued poly-cart.
  •  All poly-carts must be placed by the curb and not in the alleys.
  • All poly-carts must be completely closed.
  • No bungee cords shall be attached to the poly-carts.
  • Please make sure your car is not parked in the street on the day of collection.
  • All poly-carts must be removed from the curb within 24 hours.
  • If you do not follow these guidelines, your poly-cart may not be emptied. If you miss your trash day, you can pay a call back fee of $10 per container or wait until your next scheduled collection day. If you are unsure why your poly-cart was not emptied, you may contact the Utility Office at 918-341-0456.

Listed below are the items which the City of Claremore cannot take for environmental and safety reasons.

  • Liquids, Including Paint: Liquids & paint can leak, cause pollution, fires & harm workers.
  • Batteries. Batteries have the potential to start fires in trucks and in landfills.
  • Sharps & Medication. Medication can be disposed at local police stations. Consult with your Dr. on sharps disposal.
  • Metals. Car parts, particularly large ones, can cause damage to trash trucks and could be recycled.
  • Toxic substances. Pool, lawn, household, construction & car chemicals can leak, cause pollution, fires & harm workers.
  • Compressed Gas Containers. Due to possible explosive substances.
  • Tree Stumps. Large limbs and stumps damage equipment.

Learn more  about how items from our trash can become a source of non-point source pollution and impact stormwater. We appreciate your partnership in ensuring our community’s clean, safe water supply.

Stolen / Replacement Poly-Carts

The customer is responsible for safely containing their polycart. If your cart is damaged or broken, please contact the Utility Office to schedule a repair. If your cart is stolen, contact the Police Department. If a polycart cannot be repaired or is not found, replacements are available for $75. This charge may be added to your next utility bill.

Brush Pick-Up

Brush pick-up is available for customers who wish to have their yard waste and storm debris picked up at their homes. Brush pick-ups are scheduled for the first or third Friday’s of the month.  To schedule a brush pick-up, please call the Utility Office at 918-341-0456. before 12 p.m.  Lumber is not accepted. Brush must be cut into lengths no longer than six feet, and placed near the curb or road edge.

The charge for brush pickup is $50 for each 30 minutes of work. The minimum charge is $50 and a maximum charge is $150. If your brush pile is too large to be hauled off in 1.5 hours, an estimate will be issued. These charges will be added to your next month’s utility bill.

Bulk Pick-Up

A full-service bulk pick-up is available for customers who have household items that won’t fit in trash bag or poly-cart. To schedule a bulk pick-up, call the Utility Office the morning prior to your scheduled trash service day.

The charge for bulk pickup will be determined by the Sanitation Department at the rates listed below. These charges will be added to your next month’s utility bill. Any item not listed below will be categorized as small, medium or large and priced accordingly by the Sanitation Department.

Small Item Examples ($10) – Microwave, Dishwasher, Toilet, Vacuum, Kitchen Chair, Headboard

Medium Item Examples ($20) – Recliner, Dresser, Bookcase, Dining Room Table

Large Item Examples ($35) – Sectional, Couch, Entertainment Center, Carpet Roll

Shingles, construction materials or hazardous materials, such as car batteries, will not be picked up. We can accept paint, if the cans are left open and paint is dried to a solid, and tires cut in half. For appliances with Freon, you must provide documentation that the Freon has been removed before pickup.