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Advent Spectacular

Cedar Point Church 1620 N. Lynn Riggs Blvd., Claremore, OK, United States

We will start the evening with our family Advent service in the worship center, and finish the night with activities for the kids, etc!

Holiday on the Hill

Rogers State University 1701 W. Will Rogers Blvd, Claremore, OK, United States

Lighting of campus lights, hot chocolate, cookies and songs! 

Event Series City Council Meeting

City Council Meeting

City Hall Council Chambers 104 S Muskogee Ave, Claremore, OK, United States

Regularly scheduled City Council meetings are held on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:00 p.m. with the exception if a holiday falls on that date. *The meetings in January will be held on the 2nd and 4th Mondays due to holiday conflicts. You can view the agenda for the upcoming Council […]

Event Series Planning Commission Meeting

Planning Commission Meeting

City Hall Council Chambers 104 S Muskogee Ave, Claremore, OK, United States

The City of Claremore-Rogers County Metropolitan Planning Commission meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. at City Hall unless otherwise noted due to holidays. If you have questions about items on the planning commission agendas you can contact the Planning Department at (918) 341-2066.

Event Series Books & Bricks!

Books & Bricks @ the Library!

Will Rogers Library 1515 North Florence, Claremore, OK, United States

For children who love to read and build. The library provides the Legos and bricks – you bring your imagination! Books & Bricks meet the 1st Thursday of each month in the Library Meeting Room from 2:00 pm – 2:45 pm. Suggested age for this program is age 6-10, but all children are welcome. Parents […]

Event Series Municipal Court

Municipal Court

City Hall Council Chambers 104 S Muskogee Ave, Claremore, OK, United States

If you received a ticket from a City of Claremore Police officer, your ticket may be through the Claremore Municipal Court. Your court date is at the bottom of your ticket and will be scheduled on a Thursday at 4:00 p.m. If you lost your ticket or can't remember your court date, call the Court […]

Rhea Lana’s Holiday Shopping Event

Will Rogers Downs 20900 S. 4200 Rd., Claremore, OK, United States

December 6th-10th be sure to check out the Rhea Lana’s Holiday Shopping Event for all things baby and kid related at Will Rogers Down’s Event Center!

Rhea Lana’s Holiday Shopping Event

Will Rogers Downs 20900 S. 4200 Rd., Claremore, OK, United States

December 6th-10th be sure to check out the Rhea Lana’s Holiday Shopping Event for all things baby and kid related at Will Rogers Down’s Event Center!

Santa Pictures at the Museum

Will Rogers Memorial Museum 1720 West Will Rogers Boulevard, Claremore, OK, United States

Come visit Santa and get your picture taken with him at the Will Rogers Memorial Museum

Trelawney’s Tea Tasting!

Crooked Roots 323 W Will Rogers Blvd, Claremore, OK

Attention, esteemed students of Hogwarts! You are cordially invited to a magical workshop hosted by the one and only Professor Trelawney—Trelawney’s Tea Tasting & Leaf Reading. Step into the enchanting […]