The City of Claremore provides water and sewer services to all residents living within City limits. Service charges are included as part of your monthly utility bill.
Households that experience sediment or discoloration to their water should thoroughly flush lines in their house by flushing toilets and running all faucets for several minutes. If the water does not clear up, residents should contact the Public Works department at (918) 341-0133, ext. 286 or 288, or call the Non-Emergency after-hours line (918) 923-4755.
The City of Claremore publishes its annual Drinking Water Quality Report for easy access for residents. You can view the most recent report here. To view previous years reports, click here.
View FAQsChanging a few simple habits can have a significant impact on water consumption. Embracing good habits now can nourish our community for generations to come. Click here to learn more helpful tips, tricks and to learn more about your water.